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Record current vs. published state

Information about the record

Object payload

id  string
RFC 4122 UUID of record expressed in URL-safe base64 format
type  string
Must be exactly "item_current_vs_published_state"
current_version_locales  Array<string>
published_version_locales  Array<string>
changed_locales  Array<string>
added_locales  Array<string>
removed_locales  Array<string>
non_localized_fields_changed  boolean
scheduled_publication{ type: "scheduled_publication", id: }, null

The scheduled publication entity, if available

scheduled_unpublishing{ type: "scheduled_unpublishing", id: }, null

The scheduled unpublishing entity, if available

published_version{ type: "item_version", id: }, null

The currently published version for the record, if available

Available endpoints